
Patient Information for Children
By looking at the brain throughout the course of early development, and evaluating aspects of brain functioning from childhood to adulthood, an evaluation allows one to identify specific strength and weaknesses. This information can then be used to inform diagnoses, and to develop a treatment plan responsive to the patient’s needs.
There are a number of steps taken when conducting an evaluation. This includes an initial intake that is focused on gathering information about presenting concerns and history. Dr. Ayvazian then determines if testing is necessary and, if so, which tests are appropriate. Subsequent to this, Dr. Ayvazian will meet with the patient and perform the necessary testing. Test result are then interpreted, and recommendations are made based on those test results and the concerns of the patient.
There are some signs to look for when making the decision to have as assessment. These include one or more of the following symptoms:

What to Look For
Is your child struggling with any of the following?
Before Dr. Ayvazian conducts a child evaluation, he first invites a parent to come to the office for an initial evaluation to get specific information about their child’s problem areas. Should it be decided that testing is indicated, an appointment will be scheduled with the child. An evaluation will asses any or all of the following areas: cognitive, memory, motor, language, visual perceptive, executive, attention, and academic functions. It may also be useful for Dr. Ayvazian to talk to others who know your child well, such as a teacher, a pediatrician, or others.
Once testing is complete, a report is written that outlines the results of testing, and discusses recommendations targeting areas of need. A detailed set of treatment recommendations and referrals are provided to enable you to address problem areas.
- Academic achievement
- Aggressive behaviors
- Anxiety
- Appropriate emotional expression
- Autistic spectrum disorders
- Depression
- Dyslexia
- Impulsivity
- Lack of interest
- Language processing
- Learning
- Memory
- Movement
- Sensory processing
- Sequencing, reasoning, and problem solving
- Sitting still
- Socialization
- Tasks of daily living